Secure online voting,
made easy.
For over a dozen years, reliably providing best-in-class online elections and surveys to bar associations and other organizations.
Why BallotBox?
We are experts
(You don’t have to be)
We’ve been providing online voting solutions to bar associations and other organizations for over a dozen years.
We’ve used our expertise to make BallotBox quick and easy to use.
And with our Gold and Platinum plans, we will provide you a complete turn-key solution.
We are a safe,
solid, proven choice
We have a great track record. Our system runs on Amazon Web Services – the same system relied upon by many of the Internet’s top sites.
Moreover, our satisfied customers can tell the story better than we can – they have relied on us for years, and you can, too.
We have voter privacy and poll integrity in our core
BallotBox is designed from the ground up to protect the anonymity of your voters and the integrity of your polls.
We encrypt the votes we collect in our database, and protect them using the passwords of poll officers you select and trust.
Unless you specifically designate a question as non-anonymous, not even BallotBox personnel can see how anyone voted. No other solution comes close.
We let you ask your questions how you want to ask them
Include images on the ballot, if you wish.
Ask follow up questions based on a voter’s previous answers in that ballot.
Send reminder emails when it makes sense to you. And so on.
Our Customers Tell The Best Stories

But don’t take it from us. See for yourself what they have to say.